Creation and management of active and passive business procedures
Your company...
Business procedures", as the name suggests, are specific to each profession.
For example :
- A maintenance company will have maintenance checklists ;
- A security company will need to validate its patrol checklist ;
- An insurance assessor will complete his counter-evaluation report ;
- An inspection company will write its technical legal report

The Simpleter solution
Simpleter enables you to create passive or active procedures, linking them to the relevant work order.
These procedures can simply be made available to the employees involved, or imposed for reading through receipt management, or they can be active with data to be filled in and returned to the company with the feedback report.
Procedure templates are available; you can create your own procedures.
You can prepare the work of your internal or external service providers with the utmost precision, facilitating compliant and professional completion.
Simpleter is technical and allows you to organize your business. In this sense, it differs from all other management software.