Human Resources Management Software
Your company...
HR management is a feature common to all companies!
The tasks of this department are numerous and important: Identifying needs, recruiting, drawing up contracts, onboarding, training, empowering, managing interviews and disputes,... but also managing communication, confidentiality, administrative obligations, vacations, absences, medical check-ups, and many other subjects.
Some of these tasks involve activating large amounts of data and information. A stringent set of regulations must be complied with.

The Simpleter solution
Take training, for example.
Your "Training organizations" and "Types of training" databases will help you to plan your needs quickly. Training certificates are managed, and qualification certificates drawn up and dematerialized.
- Simpleter shows you the status of training courses and alerts you to any non-compliance with regulations or your own internal settings.
Another example: professional interviews. Simpleter shows you the interview schedule, and edits the necessary data (personnel file, history, etc.).
When it comes to confidentiality, data access management is both configurable and secure.
During the installation of the software, existing data can be automatically uploaded, if your current application allows it.
Simpleter makes it possible to master complex subjects.